RPI-Pico-Arduino-AzSDK: The Repository with Extended Features.
ardpico arduino pi pico iot-hub c sdk-for-c-arduino
The Azure IoT Hub Arduino Raspberry Pi Pico with Telemetry repository has expanded upon the functionality of the original ESP2866 Azure SDK for C Arduino sample with the RPi Pico w adding actual sensors for Telemetry sources as well as Direct Methods and Device Twins.
The Azure IoT Hub Arduino Raspberry Pi Pico with Telemetry repository has expanded upon the functionality of the original ESP2866 Azure SDK for C Arduino sample with the RPi Pico w adding actual sensors for Telemetry sources as well as Direct Methods and Device Twins. It also has this extra functionality in a separate source code library that could, im principle, be added to another Arduino device that has the SDK implemented.
This software suite has as its base, the RPi Pico W BSP sample from the forked Azure SDK for C Arduino repsitory that implements the Pico W based upon the ESP2866 example. It adds actual sensors:
- A DHT11
- A Light Dependant Resistor (LDR)
- A Thermistor
- A BME280 (Coming)
These give a simple blueprint for implementing any sensor telemetry with the Azure SDK for C Arduino.
There is a second version of the LDR sketch that has the following functionality:
- Telemetry with properties
- Cloud to Device Messages
- Remote Methods (with acknowledgement):
- Set the Telemetry Period
- Turn Telemetry Off/On
- Toggle LED On/Off
- Device Twin
- Device Twin Document
- Device requests this to get desired properties.
- Device acknowledges receipt of it.
- Device requests this to get desired properties.
- Patched Properties
- Hub can be called from third party to set a desired property.
- Device is notified and acknowledges
- Hub can be called from third party to set a desired property.
- Device Twin Document
Some of these more advanced features were implemented by porting code from the original Azure Embedded SDK for C.
Console apps
There are 4 .NET (6) Console apps for interacting with the IOT Hub and Device. These enable such interaction without apps such as the AZure IoT Explorer and the VS Code IoT Plugin:
- Monitor Device to Cloud Telemetry Messages
- Cloud to Device Messaging
- Invoke Direct Method
- Device Twin Properties
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