Azure Sphere Sample Projects V2
Some links to sample projects for the Azure Sphere on GitHub post Azure Sphere go live (GA).
This is an update of a previous pre-GA list of samples.
These links are provided as-is.
Do you have an Azure Sphere project not listed? Please add it as a comment below, thanks. (You only need to log in with a standard Social Media login).
- New: djaus2/MT3620_Grove_Shield on GitHub.
- My fork of the Seeed repository for Azure Sphere.
- I’ve extended the library code for the BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Pressure sensor. The library only covered temperature.
- Also added a new sample project that demonstrates that.
- See below for other functionality in this library.
- New gloveboxes/Azure-Sphere-Learning-Path
- A sequence of 6 labs
- Uses Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
- But can be done on the Seeed Studio Azure Sphere MT3620 Development Kit or the Seeed Studio MT3620 Mini Dev Board
- Involves Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Hub, Sending telemetry, device twins, and direct methods.
- Uses sensors inbuilt on the Avnet device.
- Just Added djaus2/azure-sphere-motor-hbridge
- Implements an H-Bridge motor interafce for the Azure Sphere using GPIO and a L293D Push Pull 4 Channel Driver.
- It is a port of the H-Bridge part of the .Net Core RPi djaus2/DNETCoreGPIO repository.
- Updated Azure/azure-sphere-samples
Note that the samples discussed here are in the main high-level apps. In the repository (in app ReadMes) there are links to some real-time core apps.- Hello World
Two samples that demonstrate basic features of high-level and real-time capable applications. - AzureIoT
Demonstrates how to use the Azure IoT SDK C APIs in an Azure Sphere application to communicate with Azure IoT Central or Azure IoT Hub. - Use CMake
Shows how to use CMake to build an Azure Sphere application. CMake is an alternative to Visual Studio projects. - GPIO
The Blinky example that uses a button to change the blink rate. - ADC
Demonstrates use of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) functionality on the Azure Sphere platform - PWM
Demonstrates how to use PWM in a simple digital-to-analog conversion application - UART
Demonstrates how to communicate over UART - I2C: LSM6DS3 I2C
Demonstrates how to use I2C with Azure Sphere. The sample displays data from an ST LSM6DS3 accelerometer connected to an MT3620 development board through I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit). - SPI: LSM6DS3 SPI
Demonstrates how to use SPI with Azure Sphere. The sample displays data from an ST LSM6DS3 accelerometer connected to an MT3620 development board through SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). The accelerometer data is retrieved every second and is displayed by calling the Applibs SPI APIs - WiFi Demonstrates how to connect to a Wi-Fi network and check the network status on an MT3620 device
- IntercoreComms
Demonstrates how to exchange messages between applications running on the high-level and real-time capable cores. - WifiSetupAndDeviceControlViaBle - A reference solution
Demonstrates how you might complete Wi-Fi setup and device control of an Azure Sphere-based device through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) using a companion app on a mobile device - Deferred Update
Demonstrates how to defer updates to an Azure Sphere application. - PowerDown
Demonstrates how to force an Azure Sphere device into the Power Down state and then periodically wakes up the device to check for OS and app updates. - Mutable storage
Illustrates how to use storage in an Azure Sphere application - External Update
Demonstrates how you might deploy an update using Azure Sphere, to an external MCU device (that is part of the IoT device solution). - DNS service discovery
Demonstrates how to perform DNS service discovery by sending queries to the local network using multicast DNS (mDNS). - HTTPS
- CurlEasyHttps
Demonstrates how to use the cURL “easy” API with Azure Sphere over a secure HTTPS connection. - CurlMultiHttps
Demonstrates how to use the cURL “multi” API with Azure Sphere over a secure HTTPS connection.
- CurlEasyHttps
- Private Ethernet
Demonstrates how you can connect an Azure Sphere device to a private Ethernet network. It configures the Azure Sphere device to run a DHCP server and an SNTP server, and it also implements a basic TCP server. - System Time
This sample C application demonstrates how to manage the system time and to use the hardware RTC (real time clock). Demonstrates how you might complete Wi-Fi setup and device control of an Azure Sphere-based device through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) using a companion app on a mobile device.
- Hello World
- MT3620 Grove Shield Library
- This is the library for the Azure Sphere MT3620 Grove Shield, the shield enhances Azure Sphere by adding I2C interface and Analog input.
- The Seeed-Grove technology provides Sensors and Devices mounted with a 4 wire interconnect that connect to shields that are attached to microprocessor boards. Simple interconnect!
- The library implements:
- Relay, TempHumiBaroBME280, TempHumiSHT31, AD7992, OledDisplay96x96,Relay, RotaryAngleSensor, LEDButton, LightSensor
- This library also has implemented sample projects:
- GroveLEDButton
- GroveLightSensor
- GroveRotaryAngleSensor
- Grove_4_Digital_Display
- Grove_Buzzer
- Grove_OLED_Display
- Grove_Temp_and_Humidity_SHT31
- This is the library for the Azure Sphere MT3620 Grove Shield, the shield enhances Azure Sphere by adding I2C interface and Analog input.
- Seed Studio - Azure Sphere Sample Smart Fan
- MT3620, Azure sphere, Smart fan, Azure IoT Hub
- ObjectBox client for Azure Sphere
- A general introduction to Azure Sphere in combination with ObjectBox],
- ObjectBox: Edge database for Mobile and IoT.
- VMinute/AzureSphereSamples
- SphereTest
This solution includes a simple library to control PWM (SoftPWM folder), a sample that drives GPIO0 pin with different frequencies and duty cycles (PWMTest). PWM is then used to control servo motors using a lib (Servo) and showing a small sample moving a servo across its full rotation angle (ServoTest).
- SphereTest
- fmokren/AzureSphere
- Mt3620AzureIoTHubSample
- Mt3620Blink1
- TempSensor
- epictrave/azure-sphere-bluetooth
- Azure Sphere Bluetooth Sample
- JuergenSchwertl/AzureSphereSamples
- Contains sources and links for Azure Sphere Bootcamp labs, amongst others Azure Sphere Samples for connected MCU and DHT sensor.
More later: Need to filter some of this.
Please leave comments, suggestions etc. in the Comments section below.
I guess I owe a project for the Texas Instruments CC2650STK SensorTag with the AzSphere given my extensive blogging on it on! :)
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