February 20, 2019 15:03 David Jones MVP web web blog jekyll markdown

My other blog site on embedded101.com has gone into archive mode. I wanted more control over content functionality and presentation. Also the editor, LiveWriter, is defunct. I liked Mardown for editing, as experienced on GitHub. I initially started creating a new blog on GitHub Pages but have now migrated that to here. In doing so I came up with some ideas for added functionality. So here are a list of those features as available through Jekyll-Markdown, the initail site and those taht I have engineered.

Desired Features


  • A simple textual editor for content including for UI layout etc: [Markdown]
  • A blog site engine with a broad capability wrt blog hosting, supported by a range of third party open source (eg hosted on GitHub) pluigs etc.
  • An automated publishing mechanism
  • It would also be desirable to have SSL capability with the site.


  • Blog Posts to a appear in reverse chornological order. i.e Latest first.
  • Posts to be categorised with each post assigned to one category.
  • An expanding menu of categories on desktop, similar on mobile devices but but hidden with glymp
  • Multiple tags per page as an expansion of categorisation

  • Search site on topics and on content
  • List all posts for a category
  • List all posts for a tag.
  • Index page able to show for each post:
    1. Topic
    2. A blurb (excerpt)
    3. Meta info in a simplified manner (e.g. date, author, category, tags)
  • Index page able to show 1, 1+2 or 1,2 + 3
    • Desktop shows 1,2+3
    • Mobile shows 1 or 1+2
  • Except generated from:
    • By default from first paragraph in post (limited by number of characters)
    • Or a specific block on post page
    • HTML tags to be automatically removed from the excerpt
  • Automatic generation of Next and Previous links on a page:
    • Next/Previous blog chronologically for whole blog
    • Next/Previous blog for current page category
    • Hide them if none.
  • Google Analytics configured (simply added)
  • A Feedback/Discuss add-on requiring Social Media login

Markdown Notes

  • Inserting code blocks is simple. Just start and end with three back ticks, i.e. ```
    • You can also indicate what language is used with the code eg c# in this case):
      private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
  • If you can’t get what you want out of Markdown, you can always just insert “raw” HTML. You don’t have to enclose it with any monikers.

Jekyll Notes

  • You canb quickly get a Jekyll site up and running locally. See this likn: Jekyll
  • Simplest is to install Visual Studio Code and author it from there
  • You then Post it to your Git repository for building and publishing

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