Softata: Console App - Serial-GPS
January 18, 2024 22:44
David Jones MVP
18 Jan 2024 22:44:15
David Jones MVP
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sdk-for-c-arduino tcpip gps
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sdk-for-c-arduino tcpip gps
Serial commands plus a sample run of Softata Console App with Serial-GPS selection.
c# Console Softatalib App commands for Serial Comms
App Start
SoftataLib.Init(ipaddressStr, port)
string SoftataLib.SendMessageCmd("Version") //Get Arduino app Version
string SoftataLib.SendMessageCmd("Devices") // Get list of device types supported
Setup Serial
SoftataLib.Serial.serialSetup(txPins[1], baudRate, 1);
SoftataLib.Serial.serialSetup(txPins[2], baudRate, 2);
Read a serial line
- Line is read on Arduino device and transmitted
string msg = SoftataLib.Serial.readLine(comRx,false);
Send and receive a char
SoftataLib.Serial.serialWriteChar(comTx, sendCh);
recvCh = SoftataLib.Serial.serialGetChar(comRx);
Send and receive a byte
SoftataLib.Serial.serialWriteByte(comTx, sendByte);
recvByte = SoftataLib.Serial.serialGetByte(comRx);
Finish: Close app on Arduino device and restart it.
- Executing soft reset of device puts it in a known (clear) state.
For Grove Arduino Pico W, serial pins Tx and Rx are the default:
- Serial1 Tx=0, Rx=1
- Serial2 Tx=4, Rx=5
Softata Arduino App Serial Commands
- 0xE0: Serial1/2 Setup
parameter is index to BAUD rate.
- 0xE1: Serial1/2 Read a char
- 0xE4: Serial1/2 Write a char
- 0xE7: Serial1/2 Readline
For all these commands, Other
parameter = 1 or 2:
- Serial1 or Serial2
Commands sent to Arduino server from Softatalib as array of bytes:
- Length of array
- The Command (eg 0xE0) -or command class
- Pin (eg 0 =Tx here)
- Param: (eg 12 here=9600)
- Other (eg 1 or 2 here Serial1/2)
- (Optional) Array of additional data
- Eg used by Displays
Sample Console app output: GPS
1. Main Menu:
Hello from Soft-ata!
1. Digital
2. Analog
3. PWM
4. Servo
5. Sensors
6. SPI
7. OneWire
8. Serial
9. NeopixelDisplay
10. LCD1602Display
11. PotLightSoundAnalog
12. USonicRange
13. PotRelay
14. PotServo
Please make a selection (Default is 13):8
Testtype: Serial
- Option 8: Serial chosen
2. Connecting to Softata service on Anduino device
Connecting to Softata Server.
Socket created to
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received Ready [5] bytes
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received 3.10 [4] bytes
Softata Version: 3.10
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received DEVICES:sensor,actuator,communication,display [45] bytes
3. Serial Options Menu
Serial Test
1. Serial 1
2. Serial 2
3. (Tx)Serial 1 -> (Rx)Serial 2
4. (Tx)Serial 2 -> (Rx)Serial 1
5. Quit
- Option 2: Serial2 for Tx and Rx chosen
- Options 3 & 4 only for loopback tests
4. Serial Mode Menu
- Options 1 nd 2 are loopback tests.
- Option 3 requires Grove Serial GPS connected to Serial1 or Serial2 (as per previous menu).
- Note: If options3 or 4 chosen on previous menu, GPS is not an option for this menu.
Serial mode Selection:
2. Byte
3. GPS
4. Quit
- GPS chosen
5. Enter BAUD Rate
BAUD Rate (Default 9600).
Enter BAUD:9600
- 9600 chosen
- Note: Value is validated against a list of valid BAUD rates. The index of it (12 in this case) is what is sent to the Arduino devices as this fits into one byte.
6. Setting up
Sending 5 data bytes
Sent 5 bytes
Received OK: [3] bytes
Sending 5 data bytes
Sent 5 bytes
Received OK: [3] bytes
7. Running
- Reading Serial2 at 9600 line by line
- Note first line is incomplete. Can be ignored
Reading GPS
Press [Esc] to stop
$GNGLL,3744.80795,S,14453.739801,01,01,ANTENNA OK*35
$GNGLL,3744.80770,S,14453.739291,01,01,ANTENNA OK*35
$GNGLL,3744.80762,S,14453.739211,01,01,ANTENNA OK*35
8. [Esc] pressed
- Finishing up
ending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received Done [4] bytes
C:\SoftataConsole.exe (process 16972) exited with code 0.
9. Done
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