.NET Core: iot Repository
coding dotnet dotnetcore iot csharp
I’ve forked the dotnet/iot respository, as djaus2/iot and upgraded the sample apps to .NET Core 3.1, leaving the 2 packages (GPIO and Bindings) and the device drivers at V2.1 for backwards compatibility. I have now done a Pull Request of this back to dotnet/iot.
PR Proposal
Whilst most of the projects remain set to .NET Core 2.1 for backward compatibility, the sample projects are set to .NET Core 3.1. This applies to:
- The sample projects with each device, but not the device projects
- The /samples example projects
.NET Standard projects remain at version 2.0.
## Further
Originally, before discussions decided the the packages and drivers should remain as V2.1, I made some significant changes to my fork of dotnet/iot. Ultimately they were largely wound back, They are listed here as background information:
This repository is forked from dotnet/iot
How is this fork different to dotnet/iot (Master Branch):
- Leave the code so that .NET Core V2.1 apps can link unchanged.
- Samples and tests changed to .NET Core V3.1
- .NET Standrd left as V2.0
- The “dotnet/x64” value is set to “3.1.5” instead of “2.1.11”
In /Documentation
- No changes
In /Samples
- Update all .NET Core projects to V3.1
In /eng
- Update all .NET Core projects to V3.1
In /Tools
- Update all .NET Core projects to V3.1
In /src/Iot.Device.Bindings
- No change
In /src/System.Device.GPIO
- No change, .NET Standard 2.0 anyway
In /src/Device
- In each Device XXX folder:
- Update the /src/Device/XXX/samples/XXX.csproj to V3.1
- But not /src/Device/XXX/XXX.csproj (Left as V2.1)
- Update the /src/Device/XXX/samples/XXX.csproj to V3.1
- Test projects updated to V3.1
- In /src/Device/Common
- Leave CommonHelpers.csproj as V2.1 as /src/Device/XXX/XXX.csproj uses that.
- Update the test project to V3.1 though
In /src/Card
- CardRfid.csproj left as V2.1 as above
- The following avert an error in building Pn5180:
- CreditCard/CreditCardProcessing.csproj left as V2.1
- Mifare/Mifare.csproj left as V2.1
From the root running ./Build
runs to completion and tests pass OK.
Nb: In VS Code in Windows
Nb: Setting The “dotnet/x64” value back to “2.1.11”
The tests in
<PackageReference Include="System.Device.Gpio" Version="1.1.0-prerelease.20153.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Iot.Device.Bindings" Version="1.1.0-prerelease.20153.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="4.7.2" />
to the Samples\led-matrix-weather.csproj and Samples\led-more-blinking-lights.csproj (with x64 set to 2.1.11) ,/Build
runs sucessfully to completion.
Further: Some of the Samples projects were set to other than V2.1 in dotnet/iot.
- force-sensitive-resitor: V2.1
- led-blink: V3.1
- led-matrix-weather: V3.0
- led-more-blinking-lights: V2.1
- arduino-demo: V3.0
Restoring these values, and NOT adding the System.Text.Json reference to any of these projects with global.json x64 set to 2.1.11, enabled ./Build
to run successfully to completion.
Hint: If you want to build a specific sample on its own, in situ then change the SDK version in global.json to 3.1:
"sdk": {
"version": "3.1"
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