Softata: Grove Display Class API
January 14, 2024 21:53
David Jones MVP
14 Jan 2024 21:53:33
David Jones MVP
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sdk-for-c-arduino tcpip
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sdk-for-c-arduino tcpip
Arduino and mirroring C# Display commands. Specifically implemented for a Neopixel and Grove Baclight RGB LCD display. A Grove OLED096 implementation coming.
Grove Display Class API in Softata (Arduino):
enum display{oled096,neopixel8,lcs1602}
- static String GetDisplays()
- static String GetPins()
- bool Setup();
- bool Setup(byte * settings, byte numSettings);. // 2Do
- bool Clear();
- bool Misc(byte miscCmd, byte * data, byte length=0);
- bool Backlight();
- bool SetCursor(byte x, byte y);
- bool WriteString(String msg);
- bool WriteString(byte x, byte y, String msg)
Grove Display Class API in SoftataLib (C#)
- string[] GetDisplays()
- string GetPins(byte displayType)
- int linkedListNo = SetupDefault(byte displayType)
- int linkedListNo = Setup(byte displayType, byte pin) //2Do
- bool Clear(byte linkedListNo)
- bool Backlight(byte linkedListNo, byte property)
- bool SetCursor(byte linkedListNo, int x, int y)
- bool WriteString(byte linkedListNo, string msg)
- bool WriteString(byte linkedListNo, int x, int y, string msg)
OLED096 Misc Commands //2Do
- drawCircle
- drawFrame
Neopixel Misc Commands
- bool Clear(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
- bool Misc_SetAll(byte displayLinkedListIndex, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
- bool Misc_Set(byte displayLinkedListIndex, byte pixel, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
- bool Misc_SetOdd(byte displayLinkedListIndex, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
- bool Misc_SetEvens(byte displayLinkedListIndex, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
Display Misc LCD Commands
- bool Home(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
- bool Autoscroll(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
- bool NoAutoscroll(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
- bool Blink(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
- bool NoBlink(byte displayLinkedListIndex)
Grove Displays
- FreeNove(Adafruit) Neopixel8
- Grove LCD1602
- Grove OLE096 coming
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