Category: Softata
Posts in that Category:
- 2023-12-02 A Simple Firmata with .NET
- 2024-01-06 Architecture
- 2024-01-07 Service Commands - 1
- 2024-01-08 Service Commands - 2
- 2024-01-09 Service Commands - 3
- 2024-01-10 Digital Commands
- 2024-01-11 Grove Class
- 2024-01-12 Analog Class API
- 2024-01-13 Grove Sensor Class API
- 2024-01-14 Grove Display Class API
- 2024-01-15 Arduino Issues
- 2024-01-15 Grove Actuator Class API
- 2024-01-18 Console App - Serial-GPS
- 2024-01-19 Console app - Sensors
- 2024-01-21 Console app - Displays
- 2024-01-25 Adding a new device
- 2024-03-01 InterCore Communication
- 2024-03-05 About (Latest)
- 2024-03-06 1. The Display Hardware
- 2024-03-07 2. The Software Specifications
- 2024-03-08 3. Arduino "Hooks"
- 2024-03-09 4. Class Code
- 2024-03-10 5. Simple Test
- 2024-03-11 6. Run the Display
- 2024-03-11 7. Epilog
- 2024-03-19 An ASP.NET Core API Interface - 1
- 2024-03-20 An ASP.NET Core API Interface - 2
- 2024-03-27 Many ways to skin a cat
- 2024-04-12 Meadow ... A work in progress
- 2024-04-12 Blockly ... The Holy Grail
- 2024-04-25 Blockly 101
- 2024-04-26 Blockly Functions
- 2024-05-03 Running Blockly on local Pico from Azure Softata API
- 2024-05-04 Latest NetCoreBlockly Updates
- 2024-05-07 A 74HC595 Shift Register Class
- 2024-06-01 Custom Blocks via ASP.NET Controller
- 2024-07-11 Towards OTA Over The Air Sketch Updates - 1 ((OTA example)
- 2024-07-17 Towards OTA Over The Air Sketch Updates - 2 (Serial Debug Msgs)
- 2024-07-21 Towards OTA Over The Air Sketch Updates - 3 (OTA Implementation)
- 2024-07-26 Towards OTA Over The Air Sketch Updates - 5 (KISS Principle)
- 2024-08-16 Arduino Startup Options
- 2024-08-30 Cloud 2 Device Messages 2
- 2024-08-31 Added Actuator Class - Relay
- 2024-09-05 A Quick Start with Blockly
- 2024-09-13 A Quick Start with Blazor
- 2024-09-15 Open AI and Enums with Blockly & Swagger Part 1
- 2024-09-16 Open AI and Enums with Blockly & Swagger Part 2
- 2024-09-17 Open AI and Enums with Blockly & Swagger Part 3
- 2024-09-25 Blockly Session
- 2025-01-15 API Version 3
- 2025-02-07 SoftataDevice API Version 3.1 - Add DeviceInput Type
Site Index of Categories